
Travel This, Travel That!

I really should blog more especially since im always on twitter cahttering away. Plus i live a very interesting life (If i may say so myself) ----------> http://www.twitter.com/sfladipo

Last week for instance, I was in Ajegunle for the first time and i was like a freaking tourist. I tried to get a good picture of somthing that looked ajegunle-ish but seriously it looks just like any other hood in lagos so i didnt bother.

Anyway i went to train some young people on business skills, risk management and building timelines for starting a business (I mean as a young business owner myself lol). Its amazing the young people i met that day, their strength, their ideas and their reslience. Im in love with Young people needless to say.

Other intersting things that happened this week???

Yeah I thought the Portuguese embassy was going to give me a 1 month visa but alas 3 months visa i got.Happy I am!.

So i currently have a 3 month multiple visa for South Africa (expires 2nd week in july), 3 month Brazil visa (Expired), 1 month Gambia ticket, and 3 months Schengen visa. I AM OFFICIALLY IN TROUBLE
Thats what i get for not paying for visas.

Blog later yeah?


  1. Lol you are now Officially an "Ajala"

  2. Borrow me one of the Visas ...lol its nice reading your Blog keep it up !
