For a long time truthfully, men have ruled the world thanks to avenues like Culture (Which permits a man to beat his wife if she misbehaves or the community to shave the head of a woman if her husband dies), then lets not go into religion that gives permission to 'man' (that word again) to have complete dominion over the earth and all on it (women included) or that a man can in his capacity marry two or more women if he knows he can properly take care of them (Why weren’t women given such authority?).
These amongst others have contributed to the rise of male domination and belief that they can and should dominate over woman and frankly these are part of the frustrations women feel everyday in different aspects of their lives.
If a woman does not get a job she is a gold-digger, If she does get a good job she slept her way to the top, If she becomes a boss and is very good at her work then she must be a B*$@h, If she is a fantastic boss then her marriage is probably in trouble and then if her marriage is not in trouble then she must be ruling over her husband.
Wow, issues that makes it harder and harder for women to be what they are called to be “the helper’.
Yes sometimes it might seem like she’s pushing herself to the top but imagine the kind of stress she goes through everyday with men who will blame everything she does on the fact that she is a woman.
A lot of folks have complained about the new rise in feminism or maybe we should call it liberation of women from the mind set of what I would call ‘Semi-slavery.
Why do women want to drive the same cars their husbands are driving, or have the same jobs theirs spouses have or even make as much money as their boy friends are making....
For women the question is why not? This is a topic that boils deep inside event the most open-minded man in the world (Or should I say Africa??)
The most complex things in life are broken down easily when we all realize that we need each other as desperately as we think we don’t……What would we do without seeing our bruised sons after climbing tree after tree and running down the streets you deliberately told him no to run on, or our teenage son who is constantly looking for new gimmicks to steal your car keys and a few Azikwe’s from your bag…..
Or your husband, your spouse, your partner, your boy friend who holds you when everything else seems not to be working right and gives your world a lift…..What would we do without the husky hunky smell of ‘Our Man’?
What would we do without knowing the feel of the excitement from his voice or his hand, Oh Men!!!! What would we do???
Knowing, loving, losing is better than ignorance from love…..Love is a passionate feeling that even God himself gave us partners so we could experience the passion amongst ourselves….if it’s for that reason alone, then I’m grateful for ‘man’
At these moments, I truly appreciate not just ‘Mankind’ but Man, who gives us a reason to wake up and want to pretty up your face your hair and just generally feel good about yourself because you know that there is one certain specie of God that will look at you and say “Damn, you look good” Ladies whether we like to admit it or not that kind of statement gives you a hop in your feet and a sunshine in your smile…….